Monday, August 21, 2023

Sheep Mesa Arch

We hiked the Blackwater Natural Bridge trail (My Blackwater Natural Bridge post is at this link), which was 8.5 miles one way and 17 miles round-trip, and we saw this mysterious arch up in the cliffs on Sheep Mesa as we were hiking.  It appeared at exactly mile 7.05 of the hike.  I asked the Wapiti Forest Service office what the name of the arch was, but they didn't even know there was another arch out there.  I decided to call it Sheep Mesa Arch until I can find out the real name of it.

We could see the arch for about a mile of our hike.  Sometimes you could clearly see the opening and other times you couldn't.

I wonder if we could have hiked and climbed under the arch.  At the time it seemed pretty inaccessible, but looking at the photos now I am wondering...

I also wonder what the view would look like through the arch.  I wonder if we could have seen Blackwater Natural Bridge through this arch, although I'm guessing it's probably too far down the trail from the arch, since the viewpoint for it is 8.5 miles and this arch appeared at mile 7.


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