Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Wahweap Window


We were boating in Wahweap Bay in Lake Powell and I was watching for Wahweap Window, and spotted it off in the distance, so I convinced my husband to beach the boat so we could hike over to it.  This was a very difficult arch to get to because the water was low, so we hiked a mile through sand, rocks, pokey weeds, and bush for 1.2 miles to reach the arch.  But it was worth it!  There is some nice shade inside the cave to sit and relax and look out at Lake Powell while you rest for a while.  The window is inside a cave that also houses a smaller cave that's only about 8 feet deep.  Lots of people have written or carved their names into the rock - there are names written everywhere! There is another large cave right next to Wahweap Window that looks very similar to this one.  We hiked back to the boat through the brush, weeds, and hot sand, and were very glad to reach the water again!

This is where we beached our boat.  You can see the arch off in the distance. The tiny bit of light in that cave is the Wahweap Window.

Wahweap Window is in the cave on the left

You can see the pinpoint of light in the left cave.  That is Wahweap Window.

Every few minutes I took another photo as I got closer to the arch.

We hiked through this to get to the arch.

my daughter in her sweatshirt and sweats to keep the hot sun off of her already-sunburnt skin as we hiked to the arch.  The arch is hidden behind a large bush in this photo.

At this point, my daughter turned to me and said, "Mom, there's still another half hour of hiking left!"  She was exaggerating, but we did still have a lot of brush to get through before we finally reached the arch.  

my husband James almost at the arch

Lizzie almost made it into the cave

and James was inside, enjoying the cave

cactus on the trail

Wahweap Window and the small cave inside the large cave

James standing in the cave

this is the view from behind the arch.  We could see the lake really well from inside the arch

my girls enjoying the shade inside the cave

James relaxing in the shade of the cave

names carved in the rock

inside the small cave

I was standing inside the small cave when I took this photo

more of the names on the walls

a little bit of beauty on the hike

the bottom of the cave

the cave on the right

inside the cave on the right

beginning our hike back to the boat

one more look back at the arch

Our 1.2 mile hike back to the boat

Close to Wahweap Window is Lone Rock, which is also in Wahweap Bay.  We had a lot of fun playing around Lone Rock.

While my girls were tubing, this slippery little guy went right under their tube and brushed against Lizzie's leg.  My girls were not happy about that!  After getting them safely into the boat, we drove over to get a closer look.  We think that it was a tiger rattlesnake.

He looks like a stick from a distance

but he was definitely a snake

We enjoyed dinner at Dam Bar & Grille.  The food was excellent and the environment was really fun.  There are pictures of workers building the bridge over the Glen Canyon dam.  There are also souvenir shops right next door, so after your trip to Lake Powell you can pick up some items to remember the trip by.

We also went to see the dam

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