Monday, January 16, 2023

Looking Glass Rock

 Looking Glass Rock is one of my favorites because we are usually alone when we're there!  There is a brown sign on the right side of the highway as you're driving between Moab and Monticello that says "Looking Glass Rock."  Turn right and head down the dirt road for a few miles until you reach Looking Glass Rock.  It is fun to run around on the rock and you can climb into the arch if you're not afraid of heights.  I've never made it quite all the way in it, but on our most recent trip to the arch in December of 2022 I came the closest I ever have to making it all the way up there.  We have taken 2 Christmas card photos at the arch, in 1999 and 2007.  Our family filmed a fun little Star Wars movie at this arch also.  We have lots of happy memories at Looking Glass Rock!  My husband and I have a disagreement about whether you can see the opening in Looking Glass Rock as you're driving from Monticello to Moab.  I have never seen the opening, but he claims that he has.  I suppose we will just have to agree to disagree.

December 2022

The view from inside Looking Glass Rock arch

That's our white suburban down at the bottom.

inside the arch

1999 with our five boys

2007 with our 7 kids and #8 on the way

inside the arch, 2007

2010, me and my sister in law Natalie

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Pioneer Park Arch

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