Monday, January 16, 2023

Magic Mystery Bridge

Magic Mystery Bridge is one of my very favorite arches!  It took me literally years to find it.  I heard about it in 1999 when we lived in Moab and went looking for it then, but didn't have very good directions and couldn't find it.  My sister in law Natalie and I went on trips to hike in Moab after I had moved away, and we searched for it on multiple trips.  Finally, we found it!  I have since been back to it several times and have sometimes had to really look for it to find it again, but on my last trip to Moab in December of 2022, I decided that the very easiest way to get to it is to hike all the way to Broken Arch, climb through the arch, climb up the cliff behind it and veer off to the right towards the light-colored domes.  That is where Magic Mystery Bridge is located.  It is level with the ground, so you can't see the arch until you have found it.  You can climb down the side and underneath the arch.  This arch is sometimes called Pipeline Arch because it was discovered by pipeline workers years ago.

view from underneath Magic Mystery

underneath the arch

underneath the arch

view of Magic Mystery Bridge from the side

Magic Mystery from below

Magic Mystery level with the ground

under Magic Mystery

Me at Magic Mystery in 2010

I'm standing on the slope underneath the Magic Mystery

under Magic Mystery

under Magic Mystery

Natalie under Magic Mystery

hiking away from Magic Mystery

on the other side of Magic Mystery

Natalie is standing by Magic Mystery 

If you aren't afraid of heights you can walk across it

hiking back from Magic Mystery towards the back of Broken Arch, climbing down the cliff

Magic Mystery Bridge in December 2022

It was too slippery for any of us to walk across it or climb down under it

My husband and I beside Magic Mystery Bridge

My son James and his wife Ellie with Magic Mystery in the background

view from inside Broken Arch.  The lighter domes on the right side of the photo are where Magic Mystery Bridge is located

2012, my son by the bridge

2012, my son under the bridge

2012, Magic Mystery Bridge from the other side

2012, under Magic Mystery Bridge

2012, underneath Magic Mystery Bridge

2012, my son on top of Magic Mystery Bridge


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